An Echo, Resounding
Let Them Know Your Fame In Hell.
In this Labyrinth Lord-compatible guidebook you'll learn the arts of war and kingly rule in the untamed borderlands. Referees will find all the tools they need to build a savage land of adventure and bloody struggle, carving the foundations of empire into the very bones of their campaign. Players will find new talents as Champions of their lands, fighting for a noble cause or struggling to establish a beacon of light in the wilderness. And together, both will find new tools for domain management to bring the red-edged games of kings and princes within the grasp of fiercer souls!
Within this book, you'll find that same dedication to practical play tools and detailed table helps that you'll find in all Sine Nomine products. In particular, you'll find....
- Complete rules for domain founding, management, and conflict.
- Quick and easy rules for mass combat with both military units and heroic individuals.
- New Champion abilities to give expert adventurers even more value to the lords who win their capricious aid.
- Extensive GM support for building campaign regions of cities, towns, ruins, lairs and precious resources. Don't waste your creation effort- learn how to support your endgame from the first campaign session!
- The Westmark, a fully-worked example region from Sine Nomine's Red Tide Campaign Sourcebook and Sandbox Toolkit. Hit the ground running with zero prep or strip it for parts for your own campaign!
Grab it now and forge yourself a land worth conquering!
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