It wasn't your idea. It never has to be. You just do the job and collect your pay. There's a big red hole in your credit after the wires you picked up at the stitcher. There's a little red dot on the back of this man's head. He'll probably understand why you're pulling the trigger. You? You're just the prophet of someone else's revelation. Forget it, offworlder. It's Polychrome.
Learn all the dirty details and concrete truths of the megacorp-dominated world of Polychrome, where the cyberware is cheap and the lives are cheaper. In addition to the history and ruthless corp-controlled culture of this long-isolated world, GMs will find general resources for running a cyberpunk-fueled game in the twisted steel tunnels of the Warrens, chock-full of the system-neutral sandbox helps you've come to expect from Sine Nomine. Adventure outline tools, quick reference sheets, new cyberware, and an included mini-adventure will ensure that this worldbook is all you'll need to give your Stars Without Number game excitement with a mirrorshade sheen.
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